Why do we get attracted to the Outer World? - We desire more for material benefits


So far we have discussed about three things

  • What are the three types of Karma?
  • What are the three types of Guna?
  • What are the three stages in our life?
Based on the above three factors we may live a happy life or a struggled life. Now when we understand these principles clearly we can always convert our life into more peaceful and tranquil. So the first thing a person should identify is what is his dominant character (Guna) and then he must try to convert that guna into Satva guna. Only with Satva guna a person can achieve more happiness in his life. The rajasa guna will always create an attachment to the karma or the action done which will attract a person more to the materialistic benefit where no one gets satisfied and his/her demands increases. The Tamasa Guna makes you to do irrelevant things which is not very important in life and leads to laziness and sleep.

A person's action or activities is based on the above three characteristics (Gunas). This characteristic will work on further with the five elements, which in turn attracts the  five senses with the external and active senses. Now whatever has been seen or felt or manifested by these senses will be accepted by your mind, and makes your knowledge to accept it and due to this you will develop pride and this will make you to think that you are your body. 

So based on the above discussion we are more interested to look outside. We get attracted to the outer world because we identify ourselves with our body. Why are we designed to look outwards. That is based on Karma. So when a person is always looking outwards, he gets attracted towards the material world. He gets more attracted and he commits lots of mistakes because he is not satisfied and his demand is always more.

On the contrary look inside the body and its functions. The heart, lungs, liver, brain, kidney etc. does not get your permission to function. It works on it's own. So the beautiful and vital organs are created by God inside the body. When any one of these parts fail to function you are collapsed. So to get peace and happiness you should always look inside and not outside. Your soul is situated inside the body. All vital organs that makes us to live are situated inside the body. But we don't look inside. Why? 

The decision to look inward or outward is not made by us. It is decided by the following concept..

  • Parkruthi along with three types of Gunas (Characteristics)
  • Five Senses - Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Skin
  • Five External Senses - Light, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch
  • Five Active Senses - Speech, Hands, Legs, Genitals, Butt
  • Five Elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Sky, Wind
  • Mind, Knowledge, Pride

So Prakruthi along with three gunas will manifest the outer world with the above 23 elements. This is how our body performs an action (Karma) whether it is good or bad based on our dominant character.

Now what is Prakruthi?

Prakruthi - The Material Nature:

This is also called Maya or Illusion. We will be surrounded by this Maya as soon we are born. Once Maya or Illusion surrounds us you will forget everything what happened before our birth including the days when we were in our mother's womb. Material nature is the separated energy of the Supreme Lord. Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. Material nature or Prakruti is female and she is controlled by the Lord just as the activities of a wife are controlled by the husband. Prakruti is always subordinate, prevailed by the Lord, who is the predominator. Prakruti is always under control of the Supreme Lord, whether inferior or superior. The Superior energy – living entities and Inferior energy – Material nature are both predominated, controlled by the Supreme Lord.

We should be free from modes of passion, goodness and ignorance

Material nature is constituted by three qualities:

  • the mode of goodness, 
  • the mode of passion  
  • the mode of ignorance. 

The manifestation of prakruti may be temporary, but it is not false. The material manifestation takes place at a certain interval, stays for a while and then disappears. This cycle is working eternally. Therefore, prakruti is eternal; it is not false.

Hope you understand the above theory very clearly. Keep thinking on this until we meet.

