Three Types Of Karma - The Good, Bad, Ugly

In the last blog we have concluded with a question.

What are the three types of karma we have brought with us when we were born? Let us discuss that in detail now.

This blog is a series of articles discussing about life principles. So read from the first blog and come back here for a better understanding

These are the three types of Karma
  1. Sanchitha Karma
  2. Praraptha Karma
  3. Agaamya Karma
Let us see what it is:

Sanchita Karma: These are all the good and the bad karma executed by oneself during our previous births

Praraptha Karma: 
                            This is the average karma based on the previous births to be lived in this birth. As discussed in the earlier blog a random of seven previous births, good and bad karma is taken and an average is calculated to carry forward in this present birth.

Agaamya Karma: The karma performed in this birth. This karma will have no effect with the current living.

These are the karma which forms the basis for the current living. So this is the root cause of all our problems we face in this life. Ok now you know the root cause of all your problems. Can you change it?
No. Because we have agreed to clear these bad and good karma in this birth with God. So this is one of the main purpose we have born into this world. This is the higher purpose which we have agreed which cannot be taken back.

So I have answered the two questions which we have raised in our previous blogs.

  1. What is the root cause of our problems in our life?
  2. What is the purpose of our life?
Ok now what is the solution? We will address that later. Before that we will try and understand
  1. What is Karma?
  2. How is this Karma developed which is deciding our life? 
You should have heard about, We are what, What we think?

Karma is simply an action performed by us. Eg: Sleeping, Walking, Sitting, Talking etc are basic karma. Apart from that, any job we do like business, career for a living is also Karma. Any actions resulting out of Love, affection, anger, lust, resentment etc is also a Karma. Based on the Karma we do it is termed as good or bad karma.So whatever Karma we do in this birth will not be counted for this birth. In real life examples we can see that a very good person by heart and his deeds may suffer a lot in this birth and a very cruel person who does all wrong things may live a very happy life. 

So we should not get confused with this because the good person is suffering not because he is good in this birth and his actions are good in this birth (Agaamya Karma). He is suffering because of his past bad karma (Praraptha Karma). He is very kind and good in this life because he has realised the effect of bad karma. That is the lesson or gnana he has received. So even though he is suffering, he will try to be good and live a good life. 

On the contrary the bad person is called like that because of his bad deeds and actions in this birth (Agaamya Karma). But he is living a peaceful life in this birth because of his good and noble actions in his previous births (Praraptha Karma). Now you know what a Karma is and how it affects your life. This is the basic thing we should understand. we can move to the next step only after accepting this. Now to answer your second question.

Karma is developed through thoughts, words and actions. 

Thoughts - Any thought good or bad will lead to good or bad karma. The karma developed by thoughts, if it is good or bad, has to be enjoyed by thoughts only. For example if you think good thoughts like we should help others, we should take care of our parents, etc these thoughts will develop a good karma. If we think of bad thoughts like, taking revenge of others, thinking of bad things happening to others will develop a bad Karma. Theses thought process develops a karma (good or bad), and has to be enjoyed by the thoughts. So in this birth if you have always negative thoughts that means in your previous births you mostly had bad thoughts. If you have positive thoughts in this birth that means in your previous births you were very positive by thought. This is basic

Words - Similarly you speak kindly, affectionately to others based on your good karma developed by words in your previous births. Anger, resentment, hatred develops because of our words due to bad karma we have developed from our previous births. Karma resulting out of words or speech has to be enjoyed only by words or speech.

Action: Based on the thoughts we have and how we speak, we perform an action which again results in karma. If our thoughts and words are good, we may end up in an action like helping the needy, doing good social works, charity etc. Otherwise we do bad actions like blackmailing others, taking revenge, murdering, etc. Karma resulting out of action has to be enjoyed only by action. For example if we hit others or cause any harm to others we will get the same harm to our body in this birth or we may develop health problems which leads to severe pain in our body. Karma is a boomerang whether it is good or bad. You will always get a reaction for the actions you have done.

These thoughts, words and action which is a result of good or bad karma from our previous births forms the inherent characteristics of a person. From this inherent characteristics, attitude is developed. So your life is formed based on your inherent characters and developed attitude based on your karma of your previous births, which you have accepted with God to live and clear these karma in this birth. So we lead a happy life or a struggling life based on the good or bad Karma we have performed during our previous births.

So you cannot change this. This is our main purpose of life. Ok now what is the solution. Can we do anything on this? Now I realise that I am facing too much of hardships. Can I ask God to change some of these bad karma which I have done earlier to change the course of my life. What is God's answer for this.

We will continue in our next blog.


Video For Thought
